
[st/30] First Win! Autor: Miner | 31.10.2003 - 01:01 Uhr

[st/30] First Win![st/30] secured their first win in the UTA league today, over -[dca]- ; and what an easy win it was. They had some unlucky texture problems and occasionally dropped a player, but they were no match for our team. Our team has trained well over last 3 weeks; let's hope we can make it all the way to the top division! With the new tables being worked out tomorrow, it is most probable [st/30] have secured promotion to Division 5. Well done team!
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Zeige Ergebnisse 16-17 von 17.

SaHiB 31.10.2003 - 02:26 Uhr

in fact dca wasnt that bad at all - GG @ dca, well played! hope to meet ya soon in some Train...

@ cybrid: nö, is ziemlich schnell das spiel, ziemlich unübersichtlich und hektisch, weil da echt perverse Boosts erlaubt sind!!!

cybrid 31.10.2003 - 01:53 Uhr

gg ;)

hey aba ma is doch "campen und dann campen die anderen"! zumindest hab ich so meine letzten as matches in erinnerung ^^

egal ich wünsch euch was...nur was?!? hmm ne fut :P

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tdmler trainen,tdmler gehen,tdmler kommen, TDM!

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