
SanTiTan goes MU online Autor: SaHiB | 07.03.2004 - 08:12 Uhr

SanTiTan goes MU onlineOn this friday we added a new game-squad to the SanTiTan community.

Please welcome santitan°mu !

For all of you, who got no idea about that game, mu can be best described as a online freeware clone of Diablo II.
It is multiplayer only and like D2 highly addictive!!!

In a few days we will probably present the whole lineup of the Squad (guild) which already consists of players from Signapore, Brazil, China, Great Britain and Germany ;)

For any questions, query st'miner in @ quakenet, who is guildmaster of the squad. Or as usual: bother st'SaHiB

So, thats all so far. I'm looking forward to our 1st UT2004 Onslaught league matches today, but stay tuned for special news about that ;)
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SaHiB 07.03.2004 - 16:54 Uhr

1 moment - MY SHIELD IS MUCH COOLER! cause i got a +3 with gleams red :P

Miner 07.03.2004 - 16:53 Uhr

Man, MU, stupidly addictive, and I hated DII so much as well........ bring on the ONS btw :).


Ladies and Gentlemen...... SaHiB's SHIELD!

anGel 07.03.2004 - 15:12 Uhr

Find ich mal wieder klasse, das nur leute aus SaHiBs näherem Squad umfeld, neue Squads gründen, bzw das man sich nur dafür interessiert und der Rest mal wieder nur 2. geige spielt........ Das spiel is schon älter und vor knapp 1,5 monaten hat sich keiner für interessiert als ich mit diesem Game ankam....klasse leute weiter so, ihr habts drauf ST bald richtig KAPUTT zu machen.

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