AS: UTA vs FrenchBelgianConnection²
AS-Ballistic | 0 - 1 |
AS-RiverbedAL | 1 - 0 |
AS-Riverbed]|[AL | 1 - 0 |
AS-Rook | 1 - 0 |
AS-GolgothaAL | 1 - 0 |
AS-AutoRIP | 1 - 0 |
AS-Bridge | 1 - 0 |
AS-Siege][ | 1 - 0 |
AS-DesertStorm | 1 - 0 |
8:1 Sieg
Von FrenchBelgianConnection² eingesetzte Spieler:
First match of the month, and feeling a bit rusty from an extended period of non-Assault action, and with a few members disappearing. We welcomed CrysAk to the squad, an AS veteran, and thankfully another english-speaking dude :).

Our trickmeister auriel got disconnected 20 seconds into a map, forcing us to play 6v5 for the rest of the map, and we certainly felt it with some good defence by FBC2 on the generator. Still, we managed to defend to within 1 minute of our attack time.

A very close map with our usual spam. We were 30 seconds away from defending full time, and we only won the map ourselves within 30 seconds of the time they needed to defend.
![AS-Riverbed]|[AL AS-Riverbed]|[AL](/images/maps/small/as-riverbed]l[al_1492302326.jpg)
Things started to get a bit more comfortable at this point, with our team settling into a much smoother attack and defence pattern. The map was won with plenty of time to spare.

Both clans lost all but the final objective very quickly. We made the difference in a superior final defence.

After a server restart, we played Golgotha. Our improvements in positioning clearly paid off as we finished in around 3 minutes and held Hurons for the length.

A good and fast map for us, poor defending by FBC2 helped us gain a comfortable defence and a nice win.

A very close and exciting map, a good defence by FBC2 left us with a lot to do. We just managed to hold the charges for long enough to secure a hard-earned win.
![AS-Siege][ AS-Siege][](/images/maps/small/no_picture_1492302473.jpg)
The usual for us, a 1 minute attack and swift defence.

The final map and by now we were well in our stride. A very solid defence handed us a nice win.
GG FBC2 and welcome CrysAk to the clan :)
Weitere Clanwars gegen FrenchBelgianConnection²