CTF°1: UCL vs Undying Champions Clan

CTF°1 Autor: daRth | 01.07.2004

Matchtyp: Unreal Clan Ladder
Server: st-server

CTF-Ranel-JoltEdition7 - 0
CTF-IncineratorLE-10229 - 0
36:0 Sieg

Eingesetzte Spieler:
SaHiB, daRth, fraggass, fuce, Miner
Von Undying Champions Clan eingesetzte Spieler:
some of them


During the Soccer EC Semifinals daRth  thought it would be a good idea to play a UCL-match - n1 darth. with i think 30 mins of delay we managed to get 3 people on the server and were able to start the match.


7 - 0


Ranel was their choise and their defense was doing a pretty good job - so did ours *g* I dont wanna go into details, the score was ok. We made a cap out of most runs that came past the middle. uCc had a not that good statistic with 0 caps out of 3 runs.


29 - 0


2nd map was ours. Our offence was a bit pissed, because uCc was assrunning all the time last map, so we startet to be also lame (but more efficient ;) We concetrated on respawnkilling and 4-5 Caps later uCc startet to leave the server. With only daRth , FrAgGY  and SaHiB  left on the server we showed our real skill! One flagrun after another brought us to the final score of 29:0! Player of the match: daRth  & SaHiB  with more than 10 caps each! THATS SKILL! Oh, one funny thing: after map startet we all wondered why fraggass  was counting up. 5,10,14,...,24, GodLike :) OK, he was in defense, and most of uCc was spammed down to



Conclusion: Funny match, but leaving the server during match - thats poor... Without the LeavingAction, match would have beeing funny and fair, with no flame at all. uCc is the first opponent that left without flaming i think! GL@UCL 4 u guys, but u gotta work on ur attitudes! PS: WE ARE 7th IN THE HYPER OWNER LEAGUE UCL- HURRAY!!! PPS: im getting better and better in playing FlakOnly ^^

Weitere Clanwars gegen Undying Champions Clan

#SquadGegnerErgebnisTypWertung DetailsDatum
1CTF°1UngarnUndying Champions Clan10:7FW 0anzeigen07.11.2004


Name Undying Champions Clan
Tag ]uCc[
Channel #ut.ucc
Website ucclan.uw.hu

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daRth 01.07.2004 - 23:50 Uhr

1. darki made the godlike on Incinerator
2. FraGgY didn´t play
3. I´m sure i made more caps than you!