AS: UTA vs I Dont Care
AS-Ballistic | 1 - 0 |
AS-DesertStorm | 1 - 0 |
AS-RiverbedAL | 0 - 1 |
AS-Riverbed]|[AL | 1 - 0 |
AS-Siege][ | 1 - 0 |
AS-Asthenosphere | 1 - 0 |
AS-Rook | 1 - 0 |
AS-Bridge | 1 - 0 |
AS-Frigate | 1 - 0 |
8:1 Sieg
Von I Dont Care eingesetzte Spieler:
Our winning streak had recently been ended by {24} (although not our non-losing streak!). IDC had drew with {24} also in the match before, though they had 1 less person at the time. We expected this to be another tough match.

Ballistic was a standard affair, Miner got into the sniper nest and moved the enemy into the base for darth to get the generator. Rup got the mighty warhead, and SaHiB finished off.
Defence has been better than recently. We still lost warhead, but with 1 second to go ^^. Generator took ages, nice minigun shooting and sniper nest cover.

It's ironic that one of our worst maps has so quickly become one of our best. Attack took a little while, but was resonble enough to get a good defence on. tyr0n got the generator at the end.
Our skillspam defence as usual prevented them getting anywhere near the samsite, and we defended it there.

Our attack time, 2:42, was good compared to previous games. We finally got the guys using the hammer launch properly, and it worked out, tyr0n getting the bridge, Miner getting the final objective for the 5th time in a row :P.
Defence, what defence? We still need to learn how to spam (see Asthenosphere down the page).
![AS-Riverbed]|[AL AS-Riverbed]|[AL](/images/maps/small/as-riverbed]l[al_1492302326.jpg)
We had been slowly improving ourselves over this map, from our 1 second defeat to Mi6. Our defence was good, all points were covered and although Tunnels went very quickly, Generator was covered for a long time, as was final.
Our attack was well, amusing. auriel got the tunnels after a very good defence from them, and with 7 seconds to go, the final objective was taken by tyr0n :D
![AS-Siege][ AS-Siege][](/images/maps/small/no_picture_1492302473.jpg)
We came.
We saw.
We owned.
23 second attack, Rup launching Miner :D

[st/30] had never played this map in a match before until now. Miner knows all too well what it was like, and after Riverbed, was frightened we'd lose it too easily :D
Personally, I refuse to watch the demo over, but Rup SOMEHOW managed to get to the final objective alive.
For defence, the team was shouted at until one thing was made clear: spam like you've never spammed before. And that's what they did. For 3 whole minutes, the team threw flak, ripper, rockets and shock into the corridor, regardless of how many of the opponents were there. For when in Asthenosphere land, this is what you do.
And we did.
And we won.

We had had bad visions of Rook every since we lost this map to {24} to tie the game. After adopting a new strategy for defence, we thought we ought to win.
Attack was nice and fast. SaHiB got library, and the final, not to mention one of the chains :).
Our new defence strategy worked. At least, it SEEMED to work. They took a while to get library, and didn't get chains.

Our bridge effort was decent, for attack anyways :). Rup launched Miner up to get the first charges, who then died, just before he got final. He got it eventually, along with the final detonator, before hiding in the enemy base thanks to an auriel launch. darth got second spawn start :)
Defence was, well, very amusing. darth and tyr0n were put onto final spawn start, after Miner messed it up for {24}. Both were nowhere to be found, and their final spawn was gotten very quickly indeed! This included the charges, and we were left with 2:30 to defend. Good saves from EVERYONE ensured that luck>skill once again!

One final map, and we were back in the groove :)
and it went like clockwork. Apart from auriel, did he not get the the top, or did he get killed? I dunno :). Miner got the ripper shot into the compressor, Rup and tyr0n covered. Miner also got the final after a nice launch from darth, played :).
Our defence was standard and boring. Compressor rather unsurprisingly went quickly, but including 1 lucky save, we defended the final objective.
Phew! IDC's lag played a part in some of their map losses, but in the world of UT, that's life, and we were much stronger. tyr0n has his second game, and he played well, and we are improving in the maps we are losing out in. Let's hope we can improve on RiverbedAL. Onwards now though, to SUYM :)
Weitere Clanwars gegen I Dont Care