
[st/30] End of Month : Promotion! Autor: Miner | 17.12.2003 - 16:36 Uhr

[st/30] End of Month : Promotion!Ooooooh Yeah, with another 4 wins out of 4 secured under our belt:

[st/30] 8 - 1 {@lien}
[st/30] 8f - 0 -}ÎÇ{+
[st/30] 8f - 0 »]Ð&Ð[«
[st/30] 8 - 6 -=)§ã(=-

These wins most definately secure our position to division 4. Well played to the whole team, Merry Christmas, and see you next year :)
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SaHiB 20.12.2003 - 20:13 Uhr

yes, was a funny month - lookin forward to next year to kick some Div4 Ass :

cybrid 20.12.2003 - 10:41 Uhr

yes yes im first :D

n1 as team...
keep on the good work *thumbs up* =]

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